WEDNESDAY 2013-07-31
All available videos are now online in a playlist on YouTube. The videos are also linked below in the schedule. For Chinese people who cannot access YouTube, the videos are available here.
[8:30-12:00] Workshop: Formal MAGIC (Chaired by Ahmed M. H. Abdel-Fattah and Kai-Uwe Kühnberger)
- Invited lecture: Zhongzhi Shi. Computational Model of Memory in CAM (video)
- Daniele Porello, Roberta Ferrario, Cinzia Giorgetta. Ontological modeling of emotion-based decisions (video)
- Naoya Arakawa. Information Binding with Dynamic Associative Representations
(video) - Kristinn R. Thórisson. Reductio ad Absurdum: On Oversimplification in Computer Science and its Pernicious Effect on Artificial Intelligence Research (video)
- Panel discussion (video)
- Invited lecture: Stuart C. Shapiro. Specifying Modalities in the MGLAIR Architecture (presentation | video)
- Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, Selmer Bringsjord, John Licato. On Deep Computational Formalization of Natural Language (video)
- Xiaolong Wan. On Special Theory of Relativity of Function-an Interpretation to “the Failure of Equivalent Substitution Principle” (video)
- Pei Wang. Formal Models in AGI Research (presentation | video)
[14:00-17:30] Workshop: Probability Theory or Not? (Chaired by Matthew Ikle and Laurent Orseau)
- Invited lecture: Steven Shockaert. Towards robust symbolic reasoning about information from the web (video)
- Salem Benferhat. Comparing and weakening possibilistic knowledge bases (video)
- Sergey Rodionov, Alexey Potapov, and Yurii Vinogradov. Direct Uncertainty Estimation in Reinforcement Learning (video)
- Invited lecture: Marcus Hutter. Uncertainty & Induction in AGI (presentation | video)
- Ben Goertzel. Probability Theory Ensues from Assumptions of Approximate Consistency: A Simple Derivation and its Implications for AGI (video)
- Pei Wang. Issues in Applying Probability Theory to AGI (presentation | video)
[18:00-20:00] Reception
THURSDAY 2013-08-01
[8:30-8:40] Conference Opening (Chaired by Pei Wang) (video)
[8:40-10:10] Keynote 1: Stuart Shapiro, SUNY Buffalo. MGLAIR: Modal Grounded Layered Architecture with Integrated Reasoning (presentation | video)
[10:30-12:00] Technical Session 1: AGI Architectures and Cognitive Systems (Chaired by Kristinn R. Thorisson)
- David Pynadath, Paul Rosenbloom, Stacy Marsella and Lingshan Li. Modeling Two-Player Games in the Sigma Graphical Cognitive Architecture (presentation | video)
- Claes Strannegård, Abdul Rahim Nizamani, Anders Sjöberg and Fredrik Engström. Bounded Kolmogorov Complexity Based on Cognitive Models (presentation | video)
- Claes Strannegård, Rickard von Haugwitz, Johan Wessberg and Christian Balkenius. A Cognitive Architecture based on Dual Process Theory (presentation | video)
- Bas Steunebrink, Jan Koutnik, Kristinn R. Thorisson, Eric Nivel and Juergen Schmidhuber. Resource-Bounded Machines are Motivated to be Effective, Efficient, and Curious (presentation | video)
- Tarek Richard Besold and Robert Robere. When Almost Is Not Even Close: Remarks on the Approximability of HDTP (presentation | video)
[14:00-15:30] Technical Session 2: Learning in AGI Systems (Chaired by Marcus Hutter)
- Alexey Potapov and Sergey Rodionov. Universal Induction with Varying Sets of Combinators (video)
- Peter Sunehag and Marcus Hutter. Learning Agents with Evolving Hypothesis Classes (video)
- Seng-Beng Ho and Fiona Liausvia. Knowledge Representation, Learning, and Problem Solving for General Intelligence (presentation | video)
- Ben Goertzel, Ted Sanders and Jade O’Neill. Integrating Deep Learning Based Perception with Probabilistic Logic via Frequent Pattern Mining (video)
- Ben Goertzel, Nil Geisweiller, Cassio Pennachin and Kaoru Ng. Integrating Feature Selection Into Program Learning (video)
[16:00-17:30] Keynote 2: Thomas Dietterich, Oregon State University. Reflections on CALO: General Intelligence for the Desktop (video)
[19:30-21:00] Special Session: AGI in Asia (Chaired by Bo An and Ben Goertzel)
- Zhongzhi Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences). CAM System And Applications
- Min Jiang (Xiamen University). Neural-Symbolic Methods for Learning and Transforming Embodied Knowledge in Heterogeneous Robotics
- Xihong Wu (Peking University). Acquiring Robot Skills Autonomously: From Can’t to Can
- Anton Kolonin (Novosibirsk). The Emerging World Wide Mind
FRIDAY 2013-08-02
[8:30-10:00] Keynote 3: Dileep George, Vicarious Systems, Building A.I the brain way : triumphs and trials
[10:30-12:00] Technical Session 3: Programming and Natural Language Systems (Chaired by Zhongzhi Shi)
- Ben Goertzel. Lojban++: An Interlingua for Communication Between Humans and AGIs (video)
- Eric Nivel and Kristinn R. Thorisson. Towards a Programming Paradigm for Control Systems with High Levels of Existential Autonomy (presentation | video)
- Vitaly Khudobakhshov. Metacomputations and program-based knowledge representation (video)
- Pei Wang. Natural Language Processing by Reasoning and Learning (presentation | video)
- Ahmed M. H. Abdel-Fattah, Ulf Krumnack and Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger. Utilizing Cognitive Mechanisms in the Analysis of Counterfactual Conditionals by AGI Systems (video)
[13:15-14:00] AGI Society Business Meeting (Chaired by Ben Goertzel, open attendance)
[14:00-15:30] Technical Session 4: Theoretical and Conceptual Issues of AGI Systems (Chaired by Kai-Uwe Kühnberger)
- Tarek Richard Besold and Robert Robere. A Note on Tractability and Artificial Intelligence (presentation | video)
- Tarek Richard Besold. Human-Level Artificial Intelligence Must Be a Science (presentation | video)
- Stefan Schneider, Ahmed M. H. Abdel-Fattah, Benjamin Angerer and Felix Weber. Model Construction in General Intelligence (video)
- Ben Goertzel. The Role of Specialized Intelligent Body-System Networks in Guiding General-Purpose Cognition (video)
- Helgi Helgason, Kristinn R. Thórisson, Eric Nivel and Pei Wang. Predictive Heuristics for Decision-Making in Real-World Environments (presentation | video)
[16:00-17:30] Special Session: Cognitive Robotics and AGI (Chaired by David Hanson and Il-Hong Suh)
- Invited lecture: David Hanson and Ben Goertzel. Anthroid (Human-Like) Robots for AGI and Telepresence (video)
- Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Emanuele Bastianelli, Luca Iocchi, Daniele Nardi, Vittorio Perera and Gabriele Randelli. Knowledgeable Talking Robots (video)
- Michael Gratton. Cognitivist and Emergent Cognition – An Alternative Perspective (presentation | video)
- Sang Hyoung Lee and Il Hong Suh. Skill Learning and Inference Framework (video)
[17:30-18:00] Conference Closing (Chaired by Pei Wang) (video)
[18:00-20:00] Banquet
SATURDAY 2013-08-03
[9:00-12:00] Tutorial: Stuart Shapiro. Building an MGLAIR Agent (presentation | video)
[14:00-17:00] Tutorial: Marcus Hutter. One Decade of Universal Artificial Intelligence (presentation)